商品数量: 390799

Boltorn™ P500 has been specifically tailored to offer products with a good balance between hardness and flexibility. The acrylate of Boltorn™ P500 achieves an ideal balance between hardness, flexibility and reactivity together with a low viscosity. Acrylates of Boltorn™ P500 are particularly suitable for plastic coatings and pro侦探tive hard coats. Boltorn™ P500 can also be used for polyurethane foams w在这里 it yields exceptionally low compression at high firmness when used together with graft

Dendritic polyols – for high firmness at low compression set

Our dendritic polymer polyol for molded foam is a product that yields exceptionally low compression set at high firmness when used with graft co-polymer polyols. The low compression set allows you to operate at reduced foam density and still meet the comfort specifications of end users.

Designed for hardness

Boltorn™ P500 has further been specifically tailored to offer a good balance between hardness and flexibility. The acrylate of Boltorn™ P500 achieves an ideal balance between hardness, flexibility and reactivity together with a low viscosity.

Product documentation

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Boltorn™ P500

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Boltorn™ P500

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Boltorn™ P500

Technical Information Leaflets